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My New Blog Template
Sunday, 7 April 2013 | 00:01 | 0 comments
Hello hello. I am super elated right now 'cause as you can see, I just changed my blog to a new template and  I put a lot of effort in it and now it looks incredibly awesome and I'm very satisfied with it. I got the html from Blog Skins, of course. I am not that pro as to start from scratch and come up with all this htmls. 

The reason why I change to this new templates is because I realize I can't add gadgets or widgets to my previous one. Even if I can, it will look awkward and out of place and it doesn't suite the background. My background was flowery and the gadget is mostly white or black. I can't add Feedjit, Cbox, etc. And there  is no comment section. And after changing to this new template, I can put all this gadgets that I like and it fits, somehow. With all this things now, I can see who viewed my blog, where they are from, and who constantly stalked my blog. Yes, Feedjit made it possible! The founder of Feedjit deserves a place in heaven. And with Cbox, I can chat with my readers and viewers, which is nice. Then I can get to know more about you!

The next thing is, you might think that no one is reading my blog. Nah, you're wrong. I am actually quite surprised to find people reading my blog. On average, I get around 100-150 people per post, for viewers and reader. There's a difference in that. 

Also, if you notice, I have photos of me in my blog now, which I never put in any of my previous templates. I don't know why, I just didn't (sounds wrong :|). And all the pictures in this template belongs originally to me, yes, all of them. I made the header myself with my name on it. I downloaded the font from Dafont, called Joy Like Sunshine Through My Windowpane. There are lots of websites where you can download fonts from, such as 1001FontsFawntFFonts, and many more. 

A little fact about my blog, hahaha. 
1) I started blogging in early 2011. It has been two years and I only have around 50+ posts. I'll try to write more. Hopefully, with this new template, I'll be motivated to write more.

2) I have changed at least a total number of 10 templates. I'll hang on with this one a little bit longer. The previous ones, I changed templates for fun. But nowadays, I changed because I thought my blog needs improvements, like what I did to this one. You can see the difference here:

This is the last post from my blog, with the previous template. If you notice, there is no comment section. That's what I was talking about.

3) If you notice, all the previous templates are in pink, mostly pink.

4) This is my first template with pictures of me.

That's all the facts I can remember. I hope you love the new template, which I do. 

Ending it with a picture of my new iPhone case.

This is the pink version of Stitch, her name is Angel. Yes, it's a she.

Thank you for reading. I'll write about my nail polish collections for the next post :3


Old things | New things