My New Blog Template
Sunday, 7 April 2013 | 00:01 |
Hello hello. I am super elated right now 'cause as you can see, I just changed my blog to a new template and I put a lot of effort in it and now it looks incredibly awesome and I'm very satisfied with it. I got the html from Blog Skins, of course. I am not that pro as to start from scratch and come up with all this htmls.
The reason why I change to this new templates is because I realize I can't add gadgets or widgets to my previous one. Even if I can, it will look awkward and out of place and it doesn't suite the background. My background was flowery and the gadget is mostly white or black. I can't add Feedjit, Cbox, etc. And there is no comment section. And after changing to this new template, I can put all this gadgets that I like and it fits, somehow. With all this things now, I can see who viewed my blog, where they are from, and who constantly stalked my blog. Yes, Feedjit made it possible! The founder of Feedjit deserves a place in heaven. And with Cbox, I can chat with my readers and viewers, which is nice. Then I can get to know more about you!
The next thing is, you might think that no one is reading my blog. Nah, you're wrong. I am actually quite surprised to find people reading my blog. On average, I get around 100-150 people per post, for viewers and reader. There's a difference in that.
Also, if you notice, I have photos of me in my blog now, which I never put in any of my previous templates. I don't know why, I just didn't (sounds wrong :|). And all the pictures in this template belongs originally to me, yes, all of them. I made the header myself with my name on it. I downloaded the font from Dafont, called Joy Like Sunshine Through My Windowpane. There are lots of websites where you can download fonts from, such as 1001Fonts, Fawnt, FFonts, and many more.
A little fact about my blog, hahaha.
1) I started blogging in early 2011. It has been two years and I only have around 50+ posts. I'll try to write more. Hopefully, with this new template, I'll be motivated to write more.
2) I have changed at least a total number of 10 templates. I'll hang on with this one a little bit longer. The previous ones, I changed templates for fun. But nowadays, I changed because I thought my blog needs improvements, like what I did to this one. You can see the difference here:
This is the last post from my blog, with the previous template. If you notice, there is no comment section. That's what I was talking about.
3) If you notice, all the previous templates are in pink, mostly pink.
4) This is my first template with pictures of me.
That's all the facts I can remember. I hope you love the new template, which I do.
Ending it with a picture of my new iPhone case.
This is the pink version of Stitch, her name is Angel. Yes, it's a she.
Thank you for reading. I'll write about my nail polish collections for the next post :3