Who am I?
My name is Grace Elizabeth. My surname is Lie. According to Wikipedia, it is the 2nd top most surname.
How old am I and when is my birthday?
I am 18 as of this year, 2015. I was born on March 30, 1997 on a sunny Sunday. Currently accepted to Universitas Pelita Harapan, Jakarta.
Who taught me english?
I got into private school since first grade. In Indonesia, chinese hardly go to public schools. We had teachers from Philippines who speak fluent english and on second grade, I had a best friend who speaks only english so using english is the only way to communicate. My dad speaks english. I had a sort of an older sister in my church who speaks english too. I never had any english tuition. So, I sort of eat and breath english when I was young.
What made me blog?
Umh. I just find blogging interesting. You know, talk about what happened today, this week, this month. But not posting too personal stuff and secrets. I don't think that's a professional thing to do. Even though you delete it afterwards, the server still have all those data. That's not a thing to write. Everyone is reading it. If you guys read my first posts in this blog, you'll notice how crappy my english was, people make mistakes dude. Move on. Don't judge people over small stuff.
Are there anyone viewing/reading my blog?
blessed to say that there are people around the world reading my blog.
What do I want to be when I grow up?
I promise I'll tell in the future, not now.
That's about it. I have instagram and twitter. Follow my Instagram and Twitter. *fingers crossed*